So, onto a bit about me. I’m Jessica, a 19-year-old fashion marketing and management student, with an overall love for all things fashion and creative.
You could say the love began when all I wanted was new outfits for my dolls and the new fashion drawing book I spotted in the craft shops. I then realised most those books still lay empty, so did a brief 2-year stint in Graphic Design.
Skip forward to me realising I tried to link all my projects back to the fashion and beauty industry, from looking into slave labour in the space, to re-designing pages from mainstream magazines.
When the university hunt came about, it was apparent to me I wanted to take my interest in both fashion and digital design, whilst learning new business skills. This led me to the Fashion Marketing and Management courses and to Bath Spa.
You could say the love began when all I wanted was new outfits for my dolls and the new fashion drawing book I spotted in the craft shops. I then realised most those books still lay empty, so did a brief 2-year stint in Graphic Design.
Skip forward to me realising I tried to link all my projects back to the fashion and beauty industry, from looking into slave labour in the space, to re-designing pages from mainstream magazines.
When the university hunt came about, it was apparent to me I wanted to take my interest in both fashion and digital design, whilst learning new business skills. This led me to the Fashion Marketing and Management courses and to Bath Spa.
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